Saturday, February 22, 2020

Women and Health Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women and Health - Research Proposal Example This is complex study of different interrelated factors, as age merely does not constitute towards aging diseases or undemocratic treatments. The major causes of higher mortality ratio of aging on women are cardiovascular diseases, such as â€Å"heart stroke, cancer particularly lungs and breast cancer, diabetics, and nutritional problems, such as obesity or anemic, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, mental illness leading to depression† (Olds, London, & Ladewig, pp. 1-29), dementia, and sensory impairment, such as loss of sight or hearing. Women have lower life expectancy in under developed countries than the developed due to various reasons such as improper nutrition, lack of access to healthcare, neglecting, and discrimination by the social society and mental anxiety etc. The important task is to determine the chronic ailment in women by their lifestyle, social and economic accordance, and perception of healthy lifestyle awareness that could increase their expectancy ratio but aging still gives a significant damage when the body starts to get older. They live few years more than their counterparts do but it is always engrave with sickness and disabilities (Bonita, pp. 2-25). Cardiovascular diseases mainly heart stroke is the highest and common cause of death in aged women than men. The older women are at a higher stake of heart attack and peripheral arterial diseases since their entering into the postmenopausal period. INTRODUCTION The coronary heart diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and other arterial vascular diseases are the angle of death for the aging women in the USA herby claiming approximately 2.3 million deaths due to heart attack and 0.87 million by the stroke. The death toll of cardiovascular diseases is six times higher than widespread breast cancer in women. According to the statistics, almost 62% of older women struck by disability due to heart stroke and 36% are middle-aged women who survive the fatal heart attack (Bonita, pp. 2-25). About 58% of the women incur half of their health care bills on cardiovascular diseases. There will be an increase of 45% in the population of aged women suffering from coronary heart diseases by 2015 giving rise to the major health problem in near future. With the process of aging to 65, the risk of cardiovascular diseases toll to one in three and it will continue to grow every year. The risk of lack of awareness in women of cardiovascular diseases after the advent of postmenopausal period is substantial and is the like the shield that have been wore out and exposed to the serious coronary disease which is a crucial cause of the study (Wenger et al., pp. 247-256). Risk Factors in uprising the Cardiovascular Diseases in Women The risk for developing the chronic coronary heart diseases are unlikely the same as their male counterpart. â€Å"Smoking tobacco, hypertension, diabetic’s mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity, mal-nutritious life style, and elevated alcohol consumpt ion, increased level of serum cholesterol, higher or lower density of lipo- protein levels† (Olds, London, & Ladewig, pp. 401-440) and deprivation of estrogens hormones after the post menopause. Smoking cigarettes especially tobacco and nicotine consumption in younger women have raised by almost 23% since the last decade which is the major contribution to the chronic health diseases in the older age. Studies have also indicated that earlier in 1990's 45% of

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Nutrition and physical activity needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Nutrition and physical activity needs - Essay Example Fast food is relatively inexpensive, easy to obtain and requires no preparation, so it is often the main choice for the youngest adults in this age group and for working parents. The youngest adults in this group no longer have parental oversight, so freedom of choice may put them at risk for nutritional deficiencies. Current economic conditions make it difficult for the youngest adults to purchase foods of higher nutrient content, which are more costly. Typically they are juggling part time jobs, college or technical school and active social lives. The low cost, popularity and ease of fast foods makes it tempting to rely on them solely to meet nutritional needs. This is particularly true when young adults have busy schedules and little time for food preparation. College campuses and fast food eateries could focus on advertising and providing healthier food options, such as fruit salads, yogurt and other products that are lower in cost. While the older adults in the 18-35 group may spend more time selecting foods and may have more money to spend on healthier choices, they may still be faced with managing many responsibilities. Time is often a factor in deciding which foods to prepare for family meals and which foods are avoided. Those with children are responsible for meeting their nutritional needs as well. It becomes more challenging to meet the nutritional needs of an entire family when those responsible do not establish good eating habits as young adults. It is further complicated when adults responsible for the nutrition of others do not have an adequate understanding of nutrition and energy requirements. Various groups use labels to assist consumers of different cultures in selection of the appropriate and desirable food products. There are labels designed by Melbourne Kashrut Pty, Halal Australia and the Australian Dairy Corporation, to name a few. There is