Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why you can not use your phone while standing watch in the military Essay

Why you can not use your phone while standing watch in the military (navy) - Essay Example Mobile phones are huge distractors in the current society and there are many accidents that have been triggered by careless use of the mobile phones. Regardless of the type of watch, watch stander must devote full attention to it because the watcher helps in keeping the ship running smoothly. Moreover, maintaining a watch is essential in ensuring quality communication, security, and safety, elements that do not require any form of attention. Military requires high quality discipline is paramount because failure to abide by laws put in place may cause serious danger to the health of others or even risk in facilities. Watches such as security watches are supposed to prevent sabotage, protect property from damage and prevent access to restricted areas or even protect personnel, all these cannot be carried out successfully in case of any distraction by mobile phones. Mobile phones may lead to divided attention or even make an individual forget the duties to be carried out. Duties assigned to security watches do not require any form of distraction that mobile phones are associated with. Using mobile phone makes it difficult to maintai n continuous patrols above and below decks and reduces alertness for evidence of sabotage, thievery, and fire hazards. Additionally, use of mobile phone interferes with attention required in checking security of weapons, obtaining periodic sounding of designated tanks and inspecting damage control closures. Security watch is crucial in barracks in protecting it against fire, for safety of personnel and property as well as carrying out routines, all these requires security watch to be responsible for understanding and carrying out provisions of the fire bill and emergency bill. A security watch stander has essential responsibility of maintaining prescribed standards of order and discipline and therefore use of mobile phone

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